In Windows 10, there is an ability to check the connection to a certain port on a remote machine. This is possible thanks to PowerShell. So, no third party tools are required and you can do it natively.

Windows 10 cannot access shared folder, do not use port Mar 02, 2018 What is SMB Port and Port Number? Which Protocol Uses Port TCP port 139 is SMB over NETBIOS. NETBIOS is a transport layer protocol designed to use in Windows operating systems over the network. TCP 445 is SMB over IP. This is a newer version where SMB can be consumed normally over the IP networks. Check If Port 137,138,139 and 445 Is Open Port 139 Blocked on Windows 10 PC Solutions | Experts Exchange

What is SMB Port and Port Number? Which Protocol Uses Port

Top Three Easy Methods to Block TCP Port 445 in Windows 10 Jul 13, 2020 How to open a port in the firewall on Windows 10 May 31, 2018

Ports 139 & 445 are Windows ports. Port 139 NetBIOS. NetBIOS Session (TCP), Windows File and Printer Sharing . This is one of the most dangerous port on the Internet. All "File and Printer Sharing" on a Windows machine runs over this port. About 10% of all users on the Internet leave their hard disks exposed on this port. Port 445 SMB

Setting up a Remote WMI Connection - Win32 apps Setting up a Remote WMI Connection. 05/31/2018; 4 minutes to read; In this article. Connecting to a WMI namespace on a remote computer may require that you change the settings for Windows Firewall, User Account Control (UAC), DCOM, or Common Information Model Object Manager (CIMOM).. The following sections are discussed in this topic: How can I enable port 139? | Yahoo Answers Jun 28, 2009 How do I determine if a port is open on a Windows server