Check if Dlink DWR-921 Router has a field called “External IP address” in the port forwarding section. Make sure you Enter "" in the External IP address fields. External IP addresses are not entered unless you are restricting access from specific WAN addresses. You also would not enter LAN IPs or your own public IP.

D-Link Corporation. | WIRELESS INTERNET CAMERA | SETUP Select " DHCP Connection " if you are running a DHCP server on your network and would like an IP address assigned to your camera automatically. You may choose to manually enter a Static IP Address and all the relevant network information or select PPPoE if you connect your DCS-5010L directly to the Internet that uses a PPPoE service. D-Link Support Q:How do I set up my COVR devices using a web browser? A: To set up the COVR-3902 system using a web browser, follow the steps below. If you want to use the D-Link Wi-Fi app, clic How do I configure DHCP server on my wireless router Step 1 Open a web browser and type the IP address of the wireless router in the address bar (default is Press Enter. Step 2 The default username is admin (all lower case) and the password is blank (nothing). Click OK.

Configure D-Link DCS-932L, 930L, 931L and 934L to upload

The Solution - Assign a Static IP Address, IP Reservation Your Dlink router can be configured to reserve and always assign a certain IP address to your DVR. This is known as a static IP address. Follow the below instructions to reserve static IP address for your surveillance DVR. Open your D-Link router's control panel by going to the IP FAQ - mydlink

Dlink DSL-2750U-Etisalat Default Router Login and Password

Free Network Assistant Tool for First Time Setup - D-Link