WHITE PAPER: This paper will highlight how traditional DNS infrastructure deployments can actually increase the risks of DNS attacks. Read this white paper to learn best practices and options for a hardened DNS layer that can minimize the risk of experiencing a DNS attack by identifying the symptoms and implementing a response faster.

aforementioned DNS architecture white paper and Internet standard DNS practices call for deployment of authoritative data on multiple DNS servers, which enables the resolution of domain data reliably even in the face of a DNS server or DNS server link outage. The main challenge then becomes how a given DNS data change from an accepted source is An Application Centric Solution for DNS, DHCP and IP white paper An Application-Centric Solution for DNS, DHCP, and IP Address Management Despite numerous add-ons and enhancements over the years, traditional tooling for DNS, DHCP and IP address management (DDI) have not changed - they are designed to help network teams manage infrastructure. DNS Entropy Hunting and You DNS Entropy Hunting and You. Sometimes your DNS logs tell a story, you just need to listen more closely to be able to hear it. This post discusses some Splunk queries from the SANS white-paper Using Splunk to Detect DNS Tunneling and how they can be tuned to provide actionable, real world results. WHITE PAPER Silver Peak and Infoblox unique network and IT challenges come into play. In this paper we will present the challenges, and a solution using Silver Peak’s Unity EdgeConnect Software-defined WAN solution combined with Infoblox secure DNS, DHCP, and IP address management (IPAM). Audience. This whitepaper is intended for network administrators who manage multisite

end-to-end solution for DNS and IP addressing needs. This White Paper suggests a route for virtualizing DNS and DHCP services in an enterprise network. For further details on individual Nixu Products, please visit . www.nixusoftware.com. Benefits of Virtual DNS and DHCP Infrastructure 1.

A Better Way to a Dual, Redundant DNS However, even the most robust DNS infrastructure is not immune to outages. Outages may be localized in which certain DNS servers in the network are not responding or, less commonly, system-wide . Download this white paper and learn how to protect your business from DNS outages with a dual network, redundant DNS. Statement of Policy on the Management of Internet Names As a result of the pressure to change DNS management, and in order to facilitate its withdrawal from DNS management, the U.S. Government, through the Department of Commerce and NTIA, sought public comment on the direction of U.S. policy with respect to DNS, issuing the Green Paper on …

EfficientIP - DNS Security Best Practices - White Paper

HEAVY READING | OCTOBER 2014 | WHITE PAPER | DNS SECURITY FOR SERVICE PROVIDERS: AN ACTIVE APPROACH AT L7 4 DNS hijacking. By subverting the DNS resolver settings on endpoints or net-work equipment, attackers can cause DNS requests to be directed at ma-licious DNS resolvers. This attack can be used for a huge variety of threats,