Finding IP Address of Router. Firstly, you need to access your WiFi router by locating the IP address of your router. Most of the time it is either or However, if you need to figure out the IP, here's how: In Windows you will need to load up a command prompt and enter ipconfig.

Dec 27, 2017 · The list includes most router manufacturers with more than a dozen or so models, particularly if they deviate from the standard address. Router Brand Common Default IP Addresses There are hundreds of different routers available on the market. However, we recommend Netgear or Linksys brands. Most Linksys routers use: IP Address: Username: admin Password: admin Most Netgear routers use: IP Address: or Username: admin Password: password For other router models, please visit the manufacturers website… Apr 11, 2012 · H ow do I display or find out the MAC address for my small home / business router? MAC is acronym for Media Access Control address. It is a unique identifier attached to almost most all networking equipment such as Routers, Ethernet cards, Switches/Hubs and other devices. Question: I need to configure my router, but I do not have neither laptop nor desktop PC at the moment – only my Galaxy S7 smartphone. The phone is connected to my wireless network, obtains an IP and Internet is working well. So the first thing I need to do is find the IP address of my router to be able to log in to the web interface. In order to do this, the router monkeys with and modifies the IP address on your computer(s). Just by doing that, it automatically makes it hard for hackers to now get at your computer. In fact, it's harder to target any specific computer linked to the router. Apr 26, 2018 · Access your router’s admin page using the default gateway or IP address to check or change the settings. How to Find PLDT Router IP Address in Command Prompt. If you can’t access your PLDT router’s admin page using the default IP address, you can use the “Command Prompt” in your computer to get the IP address. Here’s how… Step 1

A local IP address is assigned by your router to every device connected to it, including itself. This local IP address is not revealed to the wider internet and only works within your local network. Most routers assign IP addresses starting with 192.168.XXX.XXX. The steps above show you how to find your router’s local IP address.

Like all the computer hardware devices, a router too has an IP address, which is of cardinal importance. Whenever you have to configure your router, change DNS settings, trace network paths and packets, you need to find IP address router. Router IP address is mostly different from the public and private IP address. The default LAN address for MikroTik is If that doesn’t work and assuming that you have a typical home or small business setup: For the LAN address of the router (so you can configure it, view stats, etc.), open a Command Prompt in W Sep 13, 2014 · Using the IP address of my ASUS router (, I would want to be sure that my computers IP address is 192.168.1.x and not 192.168.9.x. Similarly, if you have a Linksys router with a default IP address of, you will want your computer to have an IP address like

Jul 23, 2018 · The IP address will appear next to “Router”. How to find router IP address on IOS devices. Finding router IP address on iPhone or iPad is very simple. Follow these steps: Navigate to Settings; Tap on Wi-Fi and then click on (i), next to your network. You will see the address next to “Router”. How to find router address on Android. You

Check Router IP Address; Make sure that you are using the correct IP address to log in to your router. If you are unsure of your router's IP address then please take a look at our How to Find Your Router's IP Addresses page. Try Logging In Using the Default UserName and Password May 27, 2019 · The difference between my ‘router IP’ and ‘default gateway IP’ First, you should familiarize yourself with these two terms – “router IP” and “default gateway IP.” Your router’s IP works like a gateway between your devices and the wider internet, which is why it can also be called a “default gateway IP address.” What is loopback IP address? The loopback IP address is the address used to access itself. The IPv4 designated as the loopback address with the subnet mask. A loopback interface is also known as a virtual IP, which does not associate with hardware interface. On Linux systems, the loopback interface is commonly called lo or lo0. Therefore, these are some of the benefits which are there with having the information about what is my router IP. It is the way that the people can secure the network which they are handling privately. Along with it, you can have easily connected with the internet. So, these were all about knowing the IP address of the router. Oct 16, 2017 · First, if you have the router’s manual and/or the router itself on hand, check them for a mention of a local IP address. Routers typically detail the IP address in the manual, and some routers have a useful information card on the unit itself with their default SSID name and IP address.