21 hours ago · Rep. Tim Ginter, R-Salem . On July 24, Rep. Reggie Stoltzfus, R-Minerva, tossed Ginter’s name into the public ring in a Tweet. "The Trust of Ohio voters has been immeasurably harmed. At such a crucial time in our state’s history, it’s essential that the next Speaker of the House of Representatives has unimpeachable character.

Welcome to the Florida House of Representatives' Official Website. You can find information about what is happening in the House and the Legislature. Welcome to Congressman Al Green | Congressman Al Green Contact Congressman Green. Welcome to the on-line office for Congressman Al Green. Please visit the Contact Me page to contact Al electronically or click on the office location nearest you for details. AOC denounces Rep. Yoho on House floor Jul 23, 2020 House Members List Inactive Members. The following members served for at least part of the duration of this Session, but are no longer active. The date shown is the last date they were active in this Session.

Representative Ilhan Omar | Representing the 5th District

21 hours ago · Rep. Tim Ginter, R-Salem . On July 24, Rep. Reggie Stoltzfus, R-Minerva, tossed Ginter’s name into the public ring in a Tweet. "The Trust of Ohio voters has been immeasurably harmed. At such a crucial time in our state’s history, it’s essential that the next Speaker of the House of Representatives has unimpeachable character. Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (AOC) House Floor Speech 2 days ago · Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (AOC) gave a speech on the House floor about Rep. Ted Yoho’s remarks towards her on July 23. She said: “You can take photos and project an image to the world of being a family man and accost women without remorse and with a sense of impunity.

House Majority Whip James Clyburn, D-S.C., said Sunday that if President Trump and Senate Republicans want to honor the life of late Rep. John Lewis, D-Ga., they should pass and sign a bill

The Connecticut General Assembly offers the Google Translate™ service for visitor convenience. In no way should it be considered accurate as to the translation of any content herein. Rep. Reggie Stoltzfus backs Salem’s Tim Ginter for house 21 hours ago · Rep. Tim Ginter, R-Salem . On July 24, Rep. Reggie Stoltzfus, R-Minerva, tossed Ginter’s name into the public ring in a Tweet. "The Trust of Ohio voters has been immeasurably harmed. At such a crucial time in our state’s history, it’s essential that the next Speaker of the House of Representatives has unimpeachable character. Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (AOC) House Floor Speech