
Add Static DNS Entries to DD-WRT Router Firmware 2008-12-29 · It is easy to add static DNS entries to the dd-wrt GUI interface. Follow the below simple steps and then reboot your router. In the below directions the dd-wrt version is v24-sp2. Login: First login to your wired or wireless router that is running dd-wrt software. DD-WRT setup with NordVPN | NordVPN Customer Support Setup via DD-WRT Script . 1. In the DD-WRT Administrative Interface, navigate to Setup > Basic Setup. Under Network Address Server Settings (DHCP), set these NordVPN DNS addresses: Static DNS 1 = Static DNS 2 = Static DNS 3 = (default) Use DNSMasq for DHCP = Checked Use DNSMasq for DNS = Checked DHCP OpenVPN on DD-WRT Router - Knowledgebase - vpn.ac Mandatory step: DD-WRT doesn't assign the VPN provided DNS resolvers so you must setup static 3rd party DNS resolvers in general settings. - Open Setup > Basic Setup - Enter the DNS servers as Static DNS. It is recommended to use 3:,,, or other 3rd party resolvers (NEVER your main router or your ISP's DNS).

2020-6-12 · One of the static addresses routes to our internal network, and the other goes to our VOIP phone system. Unfortunately, the Comcast machine doesn't support QoS, so our VOIP calls have been choppy. We plan to put the Comcast-provided router into bridge mode and replace it with an ASUS RT-N16 running DD-WRT.

Jun 09, 2015 · All you need is a Static DHCP Lease and your router should assign the same IP to your Xbox, PS4 or computer every time you reboot. DD-WRT: Static Leases. (Static IP Router Side) - Duration: 2 Oct 05, 2011 · On our How To Set Up Static DHCP on Your DD-WRT Router guide, we’ve talked about making sure that your clients will always get the same IP address from the router. So now if you want to access one of the machines on your network, as you know it’s IP, you can use that… but using IPs just doesn’t have the same elegance as using names. Since these routes are NOT copied over to table 10, any client using PBR lacks the necessary routing information to communicate w/ other local networks (e.g., a guest VAP) or use those static routes. This has been a problem for a long time, and affects all builds since the PBR feature was added.

Selective (split) VPN routing for dd-wrt: Whitelisting

2008-9-15 Routing certain IPs over VPN with DD-WRT without IPTables 2016-8-25 · 4 thoughts on “ Routing certain IPs over VPN with DD-WRT without IPTables ” Jersey July 6, 2017 at 1:53 am. Good write up, however as soon as I enter my computer’s IP in the policy-based routing field I lose my ability to do DNS lookups – it’s trying my router with OpenVPN client configured on it. #3764 (Advanced Routing not working in r25309) – DD-WRT