Sentence Examples for vicarious. He got a vicarious pleasure. How to use vicarious in a sentence is shown in this page. Check the meaning of vicarious.

How to use Vicariously in a Sentence? 1. Here nature tinkers vicariously with souls; and she seldom has time to complete her work. 2. Not only for the drooling multitudes who sat before their sets and vicariously participated in the sadism of combat while their trank bemused brains refused contemplation of the reality of their way of life. Vicarious | Definition of Vicarious by Merriam-Webster Vicarious definition is - experienced or realized through imaginative or sympathetic participation in the experience of another. How to use vicarious in a sentence. vicarious Has Latin Roots Vicarious dictionary definition | vicarious defined vicarious definition: The definition of vicarious is living as if through someone else or acting for someone else. (adjective) An example of vicarious is when a mother who always wanted to be a dancer continually pushes her children to do ballet.

Vicarious Definition | Vicariously | Define | Meaning

How to use "vicariously" in a sentence - WordHippo But not even the threat of death can suppress the urge to live vicariously through Jack Dawson and James Bond.: If one is fortunate enough to be associated with a university, even as one ages, teaching allows one to contribute to, and vicariously share, in the creativity of youth.: The owner was held vicariously liable for the negligence of the driver.: In the happy ending, the victim wins and Vicariously in a sentence | Example sentences

But people often talk of "surviving" an unpleasant experience. Maybe the meaning would become clear through the rest of the paragraph. But then the reader would have to backtrack and reinterpret the earlier sentence. Better to use words that explicitly say what you mean rather than forcing the reader to …

May 09, 2019 Variously | Definition of Variously by Merriam-Webster Variously definition is - in various ways : at various times. How to use variously in a sentence. Cautiously in a sentence (esp. good sentence like quote 180+8 sentence examples: 1. Bankers are cautiously optimistic about the country's economic future. 2. She dipped her toes cautiously into the sea. 3. She walked cautiously up the drive towards the door. 4. She ventured cautiously into the room. 5. Sh